Understanding Lodging Data

There are a lot of terms used in your lodging data. Find out the exact definitions for each here!

Understanding lodging performance (short-term rentals and hotel properties) is a must-have for all destination managers. This data is designed to give you the best visibility into your overnight visitation as well as across the industry nationally. 

Note: Zartico lodging data is an added subscription option. Only partners who have subscribed to lodging data will see it in their ZDOS®

What Lodging Data Sets Does Zartico Pull In? 

Zartico licenses comprehensive lodging data to give you reliable, consistent and comprehensive view of your lodging properties in a more convenient format. This is Zartico's data and is available as a premium to your subscription with several options. 

Zartico can also pull in other lodging data sets you subscribe to such as STR or AirDNA. 

What Can I See With Zartico's Lodging Data? 

Zartico's lodging data will help you understand core measures around lodging performance and opportunities to gain greater specificity into feeder market or competitive market performance and future pacing. 

Depending on your subscription choice, Zartico will provide both historical and future-pacing data to help you understand and plan for your overnight visitors. 

This data can help you strategically cultivate the highest quality visits during the peak travel months and focus on increasing volume in the shoulder and off-seasons to reduce overall seasonality in your visitor economy. Visibility into your lodging and spending performance enables you to make smarter marketing and promotional decisions. 

The options are: 

  • Core lodging metrics - how your hotel and short-term vacation rental STVR) lodging (if available) is performing with daily granularity back to January 2021. Metrics include average length of stay, advance booking, average daily rate, occupancy, and taxable revenue.  
  • Premium lodging metrics - deep dive into historical lodging performance to better understand the booking channels used by destination visitors and volume and rate information for your top markets. This is an international data set meaning you will see bookings into your area from all over the world. 
  • Forward-pacing metrics - allows you to see the demand, rate, booking window, and yield dynamics up to six months out by day. You will watch your rooms fill up and compare against your historical performance! 
  • Competitive Markets - access to competitive insights provides context into the ways destinations like yours, or those you aspire to become are performing.

How Can I Use My Lodging Data

  • To communicate the performance of your lodging sector to your industry and your board. You have the full right to share this data with your stakeholders to help them perform better in their piece of the visitor economy. 
  • To understand where there are need periods you will need to fill for next year
  • To understand what your budget next year will be compared to this year. 
  • To better understand the split between short-term rental and hotel lodging, the booking channels used by destination visitors and volume and rate information for top markets.
  • To attract higher-quality visits and to understand if different origin markets research, book and experience your destination differently to tailor marketing and social campaigns to optimize performance.
  • To optimize your yield management strategy.
  • To understand whether you are pacing above last year, or if you are falling short, what times of year you need to inject marketing to help boost the demand curve. 
  • To connect the dots between your marketing campaigns, searches to your website, lodging bookings and subsequent destination visits.

Key Terminology in Zartico Data

Zartico lodging data provides key vacation rental and hotel data.

Average Stay Value KPI is the average Unit Revenue by number of Guest Check-ins during a selected time period. Average Stay Value = Unit Revenue / Guest Checkins

ADR (Average Daily Rate) = The average Unit Revenue paid by guests for the Guest Nights in a given time period.

Average Length of Stay (LOS) KPI measures the average length of guest stays for a given period. Average Length of Stay = Guest Nights / Guest Check-ins

Average Booking Window represents the number of days between when the reservation is made by the guest and the check-in date. 

Occupancy = The percentage of Guest Nights out of the total nights in the period.

RevPAR = Referred to as Revenue Per Available “Room” with hotels. RevPAR is calculated by multiplying the Occupancy by the ADR.

STVR - Short-term Vacation Rental 

LOS = Length of stay

AP Window = How far in advance people are booking prior to arrival.


Want to learn more about Zartico's lodging data and see how you can add this data set to your ZDOS®?  Click here