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Lodging Premium (Module Overview)

Understand your historical hotel data to understand highest impact markets. Learn more here!


This module looks at historical data to help you understand the importance of feeder markets. This will help you identify which markets are generating the highest quality visitors so you can better focus your attention and allocate your resources efficiently.

Watch a demo of the Lodging Premium module

What kind of lodging data will I see? 

Zartico provides direct booking insights into hotel and short term vacation rental (STVR), according to the availability of data for your destination. Destinations that have direct STVR data (provided by local property managers) will see two sets of charts for each insight within the module — one for hotel and one for STVR — and your module will be named Lodging Premium — STVR. Destinations without direct STVR data will see charts displaying hotel data only and the module will be named Lodging Premium - Hotel.

Key terms used in this module: 

Total Revenue or Direct Revenue is the total amount charged to guests, excluding taxes, directly from the property rental.

Comparative Stay Value is the percentage of total revenue contributed from each market (volume) and layers in the difference in each market's average hotel stay value compared to the average of all markets (quality). 

Average Stay Value KPI is the average Unit Revenue by number of Guest Checkins during a selected time period. Average Stay Value = Unit Revenue / Guest Checkins

Average Length of Stay (LOS) KPI measures the average length of guest stays for a given period. Average Length of Stay = Guest Nights / Guest Checkins

Average Booking Window represents the number of days between when the reservation is made by the guest and the check-in date. 

ADR (Average Daily Rate) is the average Unit Revenue paid by guests for the Guest Nights in a given time period.

Occupancy KPI is the percentage of Guest Nights out of the total nights in the period.

OTA is the booking type of online travel agency. 

Revenue by Market Segment shows types of booking by retail, discount, group, negotiated, qualified, etc. 

GDS is the Globals Distribution System or a computerized network connecting travel agencies to companies to book travel services. 

CRS or Central Reservation System is used to manage a hotel's online and offline bookings. 

Retail is a non-discounted rate. 

Discounted is any rate that qualifies as a “discount” from the regular public rates

Negotiated rates are typically unpublished rates given to businesses in exchange for a guaranteed amount of rooms.

Group rate customers in this segment combine their hotel stay with an event or other form of activity or business taking place at a hotel or close to the property.

Qualified is a rate that requires the customer to be associated with a particular organization or to have a specific affiliation to book.


What Does This Module Tell Me? 

Chart highlighting your high-priority markets

Where does your lodging revenue come from? This chart show how each market contributes to your total revenue, illuminating the dominant markets driving the highest volume as well as opportunity markets with a large enough share to influence your lodging economy. The number on the right shows the percentage of hotel revenue generated by your top 10 markets. All of the insights that follow focus on these top 10 markets.

Insights showing impact of your top 10 markets:

This module uses "feeder markets," which are based on census-defined metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). They are a bit smaller and more precise than the "Market Areas" used elsewhere in ZDOS.


Which markets hold the greatest opportunity for your destination? 

Leading your destination requires balancing volume and quality. This insight shows the percentage of total revenue contributed from each market (volume) and layers in the difference in each market's average hotel stay value compared to the average of all markets (quality). Increasing the market share of those markets with a higher comparative stay value will have a greater economic benefit to your community than adding the same number of visitors from markets with lower comparative stay value.

What is the seasonal importance of your top markets?  

Changes in share indicate seasonal patterns that can be accelerated to increase the volume of visitors, or approached as opportunities to influence visitation outside of normal travel patterns through marketing, content, and public relations. 

How do you optimize for year-round success?

This insight shows your monthly occupancy over the last 12 months to reveal seasonal occupancy trends. Use the quality of visit information in the next section to continue to increase average stay value during peak months, thereby making the best use of limited capacity.

Remember the 60% rule! Keeping your occupancy above 60% will help stabilize your destination for visitors and residents alike. For the months below 60% occupancy, use the "Share of Top Markets by Week" as well as the "Lodging Volume by Week" insights to identify the markets that can help you bring your shoulder-season months up to the 60% Threshold. 

How do you optimize for quality of visits and overall revenue? 

When your destination's occupancy exceeds 60% during your peak visitation months, Zartico recommends focusing efforts on increasing the quality of visit. Within Zartico's lodging data, this is measured by Average Stay Value, which is calculated by dividing the total revenue by the number of check-ins. The first group of insights show the average stay value for your top 10 markets and your overall stay value year over year. The second group of insights break down the Average Stay value by market, by month, and ADR trends to assess whether different origin markets have differing lodging spend patterns.

How do travelers to your destination book their trips? 

This section provides insight into how visitors to your destination purchase their hotel rooms. Within these two insights, you can assess the roles of group, OTA, and direct bookings on your total hotel spend. Tables behind each of the charts provide a breakdown with additional statistics like ADR, Arrivals, and Guest Nights within each view of booking sources.

Data table for feeder market metrics. 

Use this chart to export this data to either CSV or Excel. This chart shows data for all geographic areas in your subscription.

Module Diagnostics.

The date diagnostic at the bottom of this module helps you understand if data from the current month is complete and ready for reporting. This section shows the most recent date of data loaded. 

Insights in the module pull from data provided by KeyData's KeyData Feeder Dataset, Lodging Core Dataset, and Booking Historical Dataset. Tip: If this insight is blank, please verify that your Primary Geography is specified for the Lodging Feeder variable.