July 23, 2024 Release Notes

Redesigned and renamed modules streamline your marketing optimization and reporting workflows

Look for these changes in your ZDOS® later this month.

Click through to the module overview articles linked below to see video walkthroughs of each new or enhanced module.

Find what you need fast, and know how best to use your data (ZDOS® Destination & State)

We’re renaming (and renumbering) the top modules in ZDOS® Destination and ZDOS® State to better convey their value and best uses. And we’ve completely reimagined three modules for quicker, more actionable insights.

Marketing Ops - Old to New

Quality visits just a few clicks away

Your new Zartico-exclusive Profile Builder module (formerly Origin Behaviors) guides you through a step-by-step workflow to find quality visits for your destination.

  • NEW Quality Visit Index (replaces the Market Index) surfaces market areas more likely to generate quality visits based on key visitation and spending metrics.
    • Best practice: Look at a month or quarter at a time for the most reliable results.
  • Create a detailed ideal customer profile for use in marketing strategies and tactics based on visitor behavior insights:
    • Engagement with website content
    • Movement among regions and place categories
    • Spending among merchant categories
    • Demographics

Why it matters

  • Not all visits are created equal. Target visitors that travel when you need impact, and move and spend in ways that meet your goals and impact your community the most. 
  • Profiles based on near real-time visitor behavior insights supercharge your marketing efforts. 

Track destination progress at a glance

Your new Impact Report module (formerly Situational Awareness) brings monthly performance indicators to the forefront, equipping your team to tell the story of how the work you do influences your destination.

  • The updated module structure always shows the previous month’s data, then compares it to the previous month and to the same month last year.
  • Subscribers to Zartico Lodging Data will see monthly trends in hotel occupancy, ADR, and average stay value.
  • See monthly trends in leisure and hospitality employment within your destination.
  • We are retiring the Visitor Economy Index. Introduced in 2022, this insight was helpful for destinations in the midst of post-pandemic recovery. As YoY differences in these metrics have become less pronounced and destinations pivot their focus, we’re making room for new innovations.

Why it matters

  • Share this report with your board and other community stakeholders to demonstrate the broad effect of your efforts.
  • Create a baseline of your current state and use it to track progress towards long-term goals.

Measure event impact with the metrics that matter most

Your updated Event Report module (formerly Event Insight) puts community impact front and center, shining a spotlight on destination lift metrics.

  • Understand how visitor and resident spending changed during your event dates, with new insights to highlight spending in key leisure categories: restaurants, attractions, retail, and nightlife.
  • Subscribers to Zartico Lodging Data will also see lodging lift metrics, including changes in occupancy and ADR. 

Why it matters

Sunsetting less-used modules for a simplified ZDOS® experience (ZDOS® Destination, State & Canada)

AirDNA has informed us they will be shutting off their current feed to all third-party vendors, including the connection to the Lodging: AirDNA module. This combined with low client usage has led to the retirement of the module for those subscribers. Contact your sales representative to learn how Zartico Lodging Data can bring short-term vacation rental insights into your ZDOS®.

We’re also saying goodbye to a few of the least-used ZDOS® modules, simplifying your list of modules so you can focus on the insights that drive impact for your destination.

Marketing: Social Media, Marketing: Paid Search, and ad platform modules using Sizmek and Stackadapt will all be retired.