What is PHQ Attendance?

PHQ Attendance is the predicted attendance of an event that is calculated by PredictHQ.

Predicted or estimated attendance is not a data point provided by most event data sources, making it very hard to find this information on your own. But the great news is PredictHQ is able to predict attendance based on inputs such as venue entities—like venue capacity—and performer entities, resulting in a reliable number that you can use in your models. In addition, PHQ attendance can be provided for both historical events and future events.


It's important to note that these event insights are trending and predictive versus actual. PredictHQ's model is robust but attendance is calculated by some main drivers such as venue capacity, the popularity of performer/team, season type (for sports), governmental level covid restrictions, and historical event information.


Check out this article to learn more about other event ranks and what they mean for you.


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