Understanding Predict HQ Ranks

What do these different event ranks mean?

PHQ Rank: A way to compare events based on their estimated impact independent of their location. The larger the value of the rank, the higher the impact of the event (scale of 0-100).


Local Rank: A way to compare events based on the impact they are estimated to have in their local area. The larger the value of the Local Rank, the higher the impact of the event on your destination (scale of 0-100).


How to think about Local Rank vs. PHQ Rank:

Local Rank may vary even though the PHQ Rank of the events are the same. For example, The Dental Implant Conference with an estimated attendance of 1,000 people has a Local Rank of only 56 in Chicago, which has a population density of about ~2.7million people, while The MindBody Conference in Skokie, IL, also with a 1000 estimated attendees has a Local Rank of 70, because the local population density is around ~67,682. The events both have a rank of PHQ50 regardless of where they are taking place. However, the 1000-person conference is estimated to have a larger impact on Skokie than Chicago, given the size of the event relative to population, so their Local Ranks differ.


Aviation Rank: 

A supportive rank that provides a simple way to compare events based on the impact they are estimated to have on air travel. Aviation Rank is a helpful way to find high-impact events within higher PHQ ranking bands, such as Sports above PHQ 70, Expos above PHQ 60, and Conferences above PHQ 50. 


PHQ Attendance: This represents the number of people expected to attend an event.


Understanding Predict HQ’s Scale:

PHQ Rank, Local Rank, Aviation Rank, and PHQ Attendance use the following table to translate the numeric value to rank level and tier.

Rank Value Expected Attendance

0 - 10

11 - 20



21 - 30

31 - 40



41 - 50

51 - 60



61 - 70

71 - 80



81 - 90

91 - 100




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