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What is a Destination Operating System?

Introducing and releasing Zartico’s Destination Operating System to you, your team, and your partners will be an exciting journey. We can't wait!

Zartico's Destination Operating System™ takes intelligence, analytics, and data visualizations and combines it with context and strategic input to support a Destination Management Organization's data-driven decision-making in real-time.

A dedicated Implementation team will work with you every step of the way making your experience with Zartico as frictionless as possible.

When you implement Zartico's Destination Operating System (ZDOS™) you'll immediately experience the benefits below:

  • Updates - Zartico is the only operating system to ingest daily anonymized geolocation data.
  • Comparability - Zartico is the only operating system that allows geolocation insights to be overlaid with your other data streams to answer the second question, "why".
  • Volume - Zartico has partnered with the world's leading mobility provider to receive the entire pipeline of US anonymized geolocation data daily.  
  • Impact on Main Street - Zartico's operating system has the capability to track tourism effects on locally owned businesses to foster community and improve resident satisfaction. 

Need more help? Contact us here.