Strategic Planning Principles: Using ZDOS® As Your Continuous Planning Tool

Learn more about how ZDOS® is designed to activate the four core capabilities.

ZDOS® equips destinations with the tools to embrace data-led decision-making and continuous strategic planning, unlocking new possibilities in four areas. The core of the Zartico Destination Operating System (ZDOS®) is focused on future-forward planning, actions, and impact.

Watch an overview of Zartico's Strategic Planning Principles

How can ZDOS Help Us Build Our Strategic Plan? 

We believe destination leaders champion strategic planning as an ongoing process and use data with context to optimize actions for greater future impact as defined through our four Strategic Planning Principles. By utilizing ZDOS, destination leaders can easily apply Zartico’s principles to guide their work in powering the possibilities of place.

No matter what phase you are in throughout the year, we designed ZDOS® to activate the following core capabilities — and achieve maximum results. 

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Destination Leadership  

ZDOS® helps destinations plan their future landscape. Generate an understanding of the current destination composition and plan for longevity while balancing community values and resident needs with the visitor experience. 

How to use ZDOS for Destination Leadership? ZOOM Out and consider the ideal state for your destination in 10-20 years. Take a look at year-over-year changes and determine if you are moving in the right direction. 

Learn more about Destination Leadership

Demand Optimization

Actionable insights can guide destinations to leverage the right types of events, attractions, and amenities for the benefit of the tourism economy.

How to use ZDOS for Demand Optimization? Focus on quality over quantity. Look for the visitors making the most and best contribution toward your overall goals. 

Learn more about Demand Optimization.

Marketing Strategy

Illuminate personas and build profiles, Improve ROI of campaigns through understanding on-the-ground behavior and visitor impact and inform content creation, content calendars, social media, video creation, and ongoing content planning management. 

How to use ZDOS for Marketing Strategy? Use the data to personalize your strategies and maximize the personas gleaned from the data. Focus on your visitor rather than the topical content. 

Learn more about Marketing Strategies.

Impact Reporting

Stepping beyond traditional marketing metrics, contextual reporting enables agencies and their clients to evaluate – and act on – the impact of their tactics in near real-time. 

How to use ZDOS for Impact Reporting? Remember your overall and long-term goals and report on what matters. Tell your story using the data and how you are moving toward your ideal state. 

Learn more about Impact Reporting.

Success = Continuous strategic planning toward an improved quality experience for visitors and residents.