Strategic Planning Principles: Impact Reporting

Impact Reporting is the fourth principle in Zartico's Strategic Planning Principles, focusing on leveraging performance trends as a catalyst for future action.

What is Impact Reporting?

Impact Reporting is the fourth principle in Zartico's Strategic Planning Principles, focusing on leveraging performance trends as a catalyst for future action. The transformation and impact show up when you maintain this as a continuous cycle, going beyond traditional performance dashboards by integrating various data sources such as lodging data, geolocation insights, visitor spending, event insights, website interactions, and other marketing components.


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The Importance of Impact Reporting

Impact reporting can spark future action. But to do that we need to tell the full story of impact the community. To effectively communicate the complete impact of tourism in your community and inspire future actions, we need to delve deeper and begin sharing a report of being versus a report of doing. The traditional approach may outline the success of a marketing plan by stating an increase in visitor volume by twelve percent this year. While this provides some insight into what occurred, it falls short of painting a comprehensive picture. By transitioning to a report of being, we aim to offer a deeper understanding of the destination's direction, current realities, and emotional resonance within the community.

CX Strategic Planning Process

Your board report is a given, but it's not the job!


Action Items for Impact Reporting

When it comes to action items in Impact Reporting, the focus is on enhancing your team's data literacy to maximize impact and sharing your discoveries. This brings us back to prioritizing quality visits and measuring our performance accurately. It's no longer just about numbers like impressions or percentage increases; instead, the goal is to attract the right visitors at the right time and in the right locations for optimal results. Work to pull the full story out of your data so your stakeholders truly understand the meaning of the data and what actually happened within your community. 

Want to learn more about the Strategic Planning Principles? 

Read the Strategic Planning Principles Overview

Read Strategic Planning Principle: Destination Leadership

Read Strategic Planning Principle: Demand Optimization

Read Strategic Planning Principle: Marketing Strategies