Travel is inherently a place-based experience.
Zartico’s Destination Operating System (ZDOS) leverages the most comprehensive device geolocation data available. Our Airport Partners will be able to see the summarized monthly patterns created by inbound and outbound passengers as they travel into and out of your airport, your competing airports, and primary points of impact nearby.
When you start with Zartico, we use our place-based strategy to leverage location data.
To give you the clearest view of passenger behavior, we want to take a minute to explain how our Place-Based Strategy works.
Zartico draws a polygon (geo-fence) around your airsides and parking lots at your airport, as well as off-site competing parking lots. These areas are where we will observe people traveling.
We use the Airsides to get the most accurate reading of actual passengers, avoiding drivers, people dropping off, and people greeting and picking up. This also will lead to the best results from our employee filtering system.
For our Standard and Enterprise Partners, the Zartico place-based strategy also includes places of impact or POIs (i.e. conference centers, stadiums or major attractions), which are major drivers of visitation and air travel.
Places of Observation
The place-based strategy measures passengers traveling through those polygons we’ve created. Once observed, we have criteria for dividing them into Inbound or Outbound observations, to group them into the different modules and insights in our ZDOS.
Outbound = Devices (i.e. passengers) who live within 150 miles of the observation at the airport, parking or POI.
Inbound = Devices (i.e. passengers) who live more than 150 miles from the observation at the airport, parking, or POI.
We also have processes to find and remove Employees.
Here’s more information about each process: inbound passengers, outbound passengers and employees.
How do we gather the data?
We ingest location data from our data partner every single day, and we’re able to take this high-frequency information and use it to help you. This data registers someone’s location by where their device, such as a phone, is at any given moment throughout a day using GPS coordinates that are registered through the apps they use with location-sharing turned on. It all goes through privacy protection, but we are able to know where that person is from and where they go while they are there.
We then take this data and filter it through the airport polygons and surrounding POIs to give you the clearest view of passengers coming into and out of your airport
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