Diagnostics (Z-Light Module Overview)

Data Diagnostics and Sample Size Measurements

This module provides insight into the sample size measurements throughout your Z-Light OS. 

These metrics provide a reference for the coverage of unique visitor devices (Zartico Geolocation Data), cardholders (Zartico Spend Data), and lodging rooms and properties (Zartico Lodging Data) used in your Z-Light insights. A larger sample size number means your result is less likely to be affected by statistical noise. If these diagnostics show yellow or red values, the insights should be treated as directional but less precise, owing to a smaller sample size. Click here to read more about Zartico sample sizes.

Data Set Details:

Zartico Spend Data

Our spending data contains both credit and debit and a mix of card types, including Visa, Mastercard, and some American Express and Discover.

Zartico Lodging Data

Zartico licenses comprehensive lodging data to give you a reliable, consistent, and comprehensive view of your lodging properties in a convenient visual format.

Zartico Geolocation Data

Our location data is collected anonymously through mobile apps that capture and report users’ location coordinates. This data is then cleaned, balanced, and verified before it’s used to visualize where people go within your destination.