What is Spending Normalization?

Big data is known to be complex and unorganized. We take the necessary steps to refine it, ensuring that you receive the most accurate insights.

Zartico is committed to providing the most reliable insights and accurate data right at your fingertips. 

Why is normalization necessary? 

Spending data often varies in terms of the amount of data available and the geographic distribution of merchants, as well as the origin of spending dollars. Normalization adjusts for fluctuations in our data pipeline and geographic attribution of where merchants and spenders are located to give you the most accurate insights. 

What type of adjustments are made in my spending data? 

Origin markets impacting your destination’s spend

Spending insights that include the origin market area factor in the relative representation of the origin market in the data. This gives you the most accurate picture of how origin markets are impacting the spending your destination receives from visitors. 

What We do:

Data is balanced and more resilient against shifts in the data pipeline. For instance, when a new bank is introduced, there will be a surge in data originating from the city where the bank is located. This does not indicate a rise in spending from that origin market; rather, it simply means that more data is being generated from that specific market. Normalization adjusts for this so you don't see changes in your data based on data pipeline fluctuations.