June 6, 2024 Release Notes

Spending data pipeline updates mean more accurate insights for economic impact, plus deeper visibility into top geolocation origin markets.

Improved insight into how origin markets impact your destination’s spend

Zartico’s Data Science team is always innovating ways to make your insights more accurate and reliable. You may be familiar with the ways we normalize our geolocation data — our latest updates will extend this enhancement to the spending data in your ZDOS®.

  • Spending insights that include origin market area detail will factor in the relative representation of the origin market in the data. 

Why it matters

  • You may see some shifts in the top origin markets impacting your destination, especially if your destination is larger and/or more urban. This list will now provide an even more accurate picture of how origin markets contribute to visitor spending in your destination. 
  • Normalized data is balanced and more resilient against future shifts in the data pipeline. (For example: if a new local bank gets added to our pipeline, increasing data from cardholders in Jacksonville, normalization adjusts for this and you won’t see a subsequent climb from Jacksonville in your top origin market insight.)

More accurate attribution of visitor spending to your destination’s communities

We’re improving how we assign transactions to cities in two ways:

  1. Zip codes do not translate 1:1 to geographic boundaries on a map (like the municipal border of a city). By using population to help determine the “center” of a zip code, Zartico can better attribute a merchant’s location to the most appropriate city in your destination.
  2. We will also be assigning merchant cities using precise physical locations, which are included in our incoming data set for some merchants. Merchants in the grocery, restaurant, and gas station categories are most likely to have precise location data associated with them.

Why it matters

  • Better understand how visitor spending is distributed among the different communities within your destination.
  • Merchants may be added or removed from your destination boundary and spending may be reassigned as either visitor or resident spending due to these location updates. Some destinations may see fluctuations in average visitor spending and share of spending from visitors within certain categories.
  • You may see additional cities represented in the “Visitor Spending by City” insight in your Spending module. This is a result of precise location information being associated with some merchants in your destination and is more likely to occur in more rural destinations.

  • Some destinations may also see a decrease in cardholder count sample size, a result of shifting merchant locations to different geographies based on more precise data. As always, refer to the color code in your module diagnostics and adjust your module filters to ensure you’re making strategic decisions based on a robust sample size.

    Dive deeper into top origin markets with one click (ZDOS® Destination & State)

    You wanted to see more of your top markets, and we’re delivering! In your Strategic Planning module, you will soon be able to toggle the “Top Origin Markets Year-Over-Year” insight to see data for your top 20 markets.

    Why it matters

    • Easier and faster insight into origin markets for swifter strategic planning workflow