Integrate Twitter Ad Accounts

Grant Zartico permission to Twitter Ad Accounts by following these easy steps!

By including your Twitter Organic and Paid Performance in Zartico's Operating System, you will be able to efficiently distinguish between average and exceptional social performance. 

Note: Twitter is available in standard and Enterprise packages.

Before you can add an additional user, you have to ensure that your Twitter profile has a Twitter ad account set up. Once this step is complete, follow these instructions to add Zartico as a Campaign Analyst:

Twitter Ad Accounts

  1. In the top right corner of, select the name of your ads account and select Edit access to account
  2. Click Add access
  3. Enter @ZarticoData and select
  4. Allow Campaign Analyst permissions and save

zartico_KB_twitternewQ: Can I connect multiple Twitter accounts to my ZDOS?

A: Not usually. Check your contract for more information. Unless otherwise stated in your contract, our policy to set up one digital connection per digital medium.


If you have any trouble, please contact our Support team to assist in troubleshooting. Contact us here.