Integrate Google Analytics

Grant Zartico permission to your Google Analytics by following these easy steps!

By including your Google Analytics account in Zartico's Operating System, you will be able to efficiently distinguish between average and exceptional web traffic performance.


Google Analytics Access

  1. Sign in to Google Analytics.
  2. Click Admin
  3. Click Access Management in the Account or Property column.
  4. In the Account Access list, click +, then click Add users.
  5. Enter
    • may appear to change to - this is expected
  6. Select Notify new users by email to send a message to us.
  7. Select the permissions Analyst. Learn more about permissions.
  8. Click Add.


Q: I have been a Zartico partner for a while and you already have access to my Universal Analytics data. Do I need to do anything to make sure that my GA4 is connected too?

A: Yes! You will need to use the process outlined above to also provide a connection between Zartico and your GA4 data. If you do not do this, you will not see your GA4 data inside of the ZDOS. Google will be sunsetting all Universal data on July 1, 2024. If you do not download or export your data before UA sunsets completely, your data will be permanently deleted by Google and will not be recoverable, which could impact campaign performance.


Q: Can I connect multiple Google Analytics accounts to my ZDOS?

A: Not usually. Check your contract for more information. Unless otherwise stated in your contract, our policy to set up one digital connection per digital medium. We do expect that you will have granted access to both UA and GA4.


If you have any trouble, please contact our Support team to assist in troubleshooting. Contact us here.