August 5, 2022 Release Notes

We talk about innovation a lot at Zartico. Sometimes we talk about radical innovation, such as our upcoming version 3.0 product launch. Other times, we talk about incremental innovation, small improvements or updates to existing products.

Both are important and both will help us reach our goal of being the most innovative product company in the industry. This week's product release notes are great examples of incremental innovations that we’re always making to improve our existing product offering.    


Previously, the data within the stacked charts appeared in the opposite order of the legend. This has been updated so the order of the items now corresponds with the left-to-right order in the legend. See before and after screenshots.



We have one more improvement to the stacked charts. Previously when stacking to 100% the metrics would always show two decimal points. This issue has been resolved and the metric will instead take on the format you select. So you can now have 1 or 0 decimal points when stacking to 100%.


Feel free to submit your feedback on the ZDOS®️ or if you need help, email us at We love to hear what our partners like or what you'd like to see us improve in our next round of updates!