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What is an Index and how does it help me?

An index is a calculated measurement of data sets as they relate to each other to provide a clear and logical insight. Learn more about Zartico Indices here!


You have likely seen and used an index to make a decision or gain an insight on the health or trend of something. Maybe you have heard news reporters tracking price trends with the Consumer Price Index or evaluating the stock market with the S&P Index or talking with your doctor about your BMI to track your overall health. Indices help people make sense of information or organize a series of values in a logical way so we can make better decisions. An index gives us clear insight so we can achieve better outcomes. 

What is an Index? 

In general, an index is combination of several data sets into one calculated measurement to show overall health of a specific metric.

What is a Zartico Index? 

In our case, we organize destination data sets into a single organized table or chart so they can be compared and interpreted. Rather than searching for individual numbers across multiple sources and modules, you will now see those data sets pulled together into one chart to provide clear and logical insight. 

How Indices work

Creating a standard formula to compare data sets is critical. It is important to compare apples to apples when measuring health across the entire destination leadership industry. With the 3.0 ZDOS®, we have streamlined and combined data sets to see relationships between them in a way that provides clear and actionable insights. We will be able measure the relationship between standard data sets for all partners including visitor device count, visitor spend, cardholder count, hotel demand and revenue, short-term rental revenue, and website traffic. 

ZDOS® Indices

The most popular questions we've found partners to ask are, "Who are our visitors and where they are coming from?" and "How is our destination performing this year compared to last year?". Our experience working repeatedly to answer these questions led to two new indices in the ZDOS®: Market Index and Visitor Economy Index. 

Market Index

The purpose of the Market Index is to identify areas of over/under spend on advertising, opportunity markets and gaps between spending and visitation patterns. Learn more about the Market Index here

Visitor Economy Index

The Visitor Economy Index shows how a Partner’s tourism economy is doing compared to the same month in the previous year. Learn more about the Visitor Economy Index here.