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Can the ZDOS be embedded?

Embedding your dashboard is a premium offering available to our Enterprise partners-- Find out more about how to make this happen!

Using the "Embed" option in the ZDOS depends on your current package and tier with Zartico

The first step to wanting to embed your ZDOS is to make sure that it falls within your agreement with Zartico, as it is not available to all packages and tiers-- check with your sales representative to find out this information or ask about adding this to your contract. If it does, great! You can use the steps below to go through this process.

You will need to work with your Strategic Advisor to set up a separate partner-facing version of your ZDOS

You will likely want to choose what parts of your data to be available to your partners, and the best way to do that is to coordinate with your Strategic Advisor and get their recommendations as well. Once this content is agreed upon, your Advisor will activate the creation of your partner-facing ZDOS, and it will need to be reviewed and approved by your team.

Once you have a complete and approved ZDOS you can use the Embed function available.

Have your team follow the steps below to ensure that the embedded version appears properly on your partner-facing landing page. We do suggest that your team protects this page with a password.

How to embed dashboards...

Dashboards allow to directly generate embedding URLs for individual dashboards. Contact your advisor and we can send you instructions on this process.